Travel LEaders Business News
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Travel Leaders Business News
August 2015
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Delta Introduces Latest Commercial Airline Perk:  Upgrade to Private Jets
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Let This New Translation App do the Talking For You
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This is the Cost of Checked Bags on Every Major
U.S. Airlines
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Curbside Baggage Check Becoming Extinct?

Curbside baggage check is getting kicked to, well, the curb by American Airlines.
With its recent move, now only Delta and Southwest Airlines still offer the service in which travelers can check luggage outside Lambert-St. Louis International Airport and bypass ticket counters and kiosks.

Trevena Moore learned a few weeks ago the hard way that American — Lambert’s second-largest carrier — no longer provides curbside check-in. She grew up in Florissant and had come back to visit family with her two children, ages 6 and 11.

She had five bags to check for their flight home to the U.S. Virgin Islands after birthday celebrations for her daughter. But no American skycaps were to be found, she said, and a Delta skycap helped get her luggage inside on a cart.

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$4B LaGuardia
Plan Unveiled
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New AirGrub Meal Ordering App Launched at SFO
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10 Travel Problems Solved
by Technology
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Best and Worst Airports for Cell Phone Data Speeds

After flight hours of no connectivity, the first thing most people do when they land is check their phone.

But airports can be tricky for cell phone companies. With the sheer number of people traveling, mobile congestion is difficult to manage. And there are often restrictions on where mobile carriers can place towers and antennas.

That's why network performance varies wildly from airport to airport for each carrier.
In its biannual report released Thursday, independent network analysis company RootMetrics put cell phone data speeds to the test at the nations 50 busiest airports. The analysis measures how the four major carriers perform in upload speeds, download speeds and the reliability of the connection.

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How 'Green' is Your Hotel?

Looking for a way to improve your green credentials, reduce hotel water consumption and save money all at the same time? Our infographic shows you why it's important and how it's possible.

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