Travel LEaders Business News
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Travel Leaders Business News
July 2015
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Delta Air Lines to Start New Daily Service to Atlanta From Oakland October 1
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One Huge Mistake People Make When Renting Cars
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Delta Unveils
$229M Upgrade to
LAX Terminal 5
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Airline Boarding Times Take Off


Airlines are trying to save time by speeding up a part of flying that creates delays even before the plane leaves the gate: the boarding process.

This summer travel season, Delta plans to preload carry-on bags above passengers' seats on some flights. Southwest wants to get families seated together more quickly.

Airlines have tinkered with different boarding systems almost since the days of Orville and Wilbur Wright, who tossed a coin to decide who would fly first aboard their biplane. Plenty of people have offered ideas for improvement, but no perfect method has ever emerged.

Most airlines let first-class and other elite customers board first. After that, some carriers fill the rear rows and work toward the front. Others fill window seats and work toward the aisle. Some use a combination of the two. Airlines have also tried other tricks, like letting people board early if they do not have aisle-clogging carry-on bags.

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Delta Air Lines Speeds Boarding Process with
Pre-Loading Carry-On
Valet Service
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How to Pick a Cellphone Plan for Traveling Abroad
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Terrified of Traveling With Your Boss.  Don't Be, it's the Best Career Move You Can Make
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Here's What Hotels Will Look Like in the Future


To you, hotel rooms may seem the same - there's a bed, a TV, maybe two nightstands and a bathroom - but in reality, hotel rooms are changing at the speed of light: modernizing, adapting to today's traveler's needs, and looking to innovate for the future.

Hotels are scrambling to anticipate travlers' future needs, and while no one has a crystal ball, some changes already taking effect can help us get a glimpse of what's to come.

We spoke to hotel designers and industry insiders to get an idea of what hotels will look like in the future.

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7 Time Management Tips for Working on the Road


Waking up at a bungalow two steps from the beach on Koh Tao Island, Thailand, I knew I had two choices: grab a coconut and relax on the sand or sit on my laptop and work. When you also have a tiki bar next door, fighting the urge to play can feel impossible. The best bet is to learn how to become a fast worker so you can maximize time spent in your destination.

Here are a few other tips to help you manage your time:

1. Become either an early morning person or a late night person. It’s easier to get stuff done when you aren’t suffering from FOMO. Plus, working during off hours creates a system incentive and reward — if you tell yourself you can only go on safari that afternoon if you write 1,000 words, you will.

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