Travel LEaders Business News
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Travel Leaders Business News
April 2016
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Alaska Airlines is Buying
Virgin America
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No Relief In Sight For
Long TSA Lines
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Boarding Passes
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Travel Tip:  Changes Coming for Cuba Travel

As you may have heard, the United States and Cuba have formally concluded an agreement that reestablished commercial airline service between the two countries.

It’s expected that flights will start this fall.  So can you or should you book tickets yet?  Actually, you can’t book flights yet.

Even when you can, you’ll have to confirm that you fall into 1 of 12 categories of authorized travel—people to people, educational, and humanitarian, are among the approved list.

Now starts the jockeying of U.S. airlines trying to get individual rights to fly there.

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The 10 Most Expensive U.S. Cities for Business Travel
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You're Packing Your
Carry-On All Wrong
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9 Ways To Make
Traveling a Joy 
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Check Out This CIA Operative's 9-Step Hotel Safety Checklist

When you spend 10 years checking in and out of hotels in the not-so-safest parts of the world, bed bugs are the least of your problems.

Drew Dwyer, a veteran of the Marines and a former CIA operative, knows this better than most. Here Dwyer shares his hotel check-in safety checklist that is smart to follow whether your next business trip is taking you to Dallas or Damascus. Get his full list of travel safety tips at

1. Acquire or make a copy of the fire escape plan on the back of your door. Most of these just slide out.

2. Do not stay on the ground or the top floor. The ground floor is readily accessible to intruders and the top floor does not allow any room to maneuver. The first or second (European) floors allow access for most third world country emergency vehicles.

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Enterprise Rent-A-Car Expands in Latin America and Caribbean

Enterprise Holdings Inc. announced today that it is expanding the Enterprise Rent-A-Car brand's presence in Latin America and the Caribbean with the opening of 22 new locations throughout the region.

Enterprise Holdings, through its regional subsidiaries, operates the largest fleet of vehicles in the world through a global network of more than 9,000 neighborhood and airport locations. The company also owns National Car Rental and Alamo Rent A Car as well as its flagship Enterprise Rent-A-Car brand.

On the heels of Enterprise Rent-A-Car's debut in the Caribbean in 2014 and launch in Latin America in 2015, these new locations represent the next phase in Enterprise's plans to expand the brand to the entire region.

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